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Demystifying Nursing Informatics

Here we are in February already, can you believe it?

I am writing this today on what is the coldest day of the year in Boston. It was bound to get cold up here in the Northeast. We've had a relatively mild winter but without fail, those chilly temps find their way to us. 

Well, I entitled this post, Demystifying Nursing Informatics for a reason. 

In my nearly 20 years within the speciality practice of Nursing Informatics, I continue to get asked by nurses (and non-nurses), "what exactly IS nursing informatics?

In fact one time, I was traveling to Duke University where I was teaching the Intro course to Nursing Informatics. I was trying to get to my hotel and there was a roadblock. I told the person that I was there to teach nursing informatics and his response was, "Info-what?!".

I laughed (and have never forgotten :)). 

Well, for some time now, I have wanted to develop a program to help demystify this specialty practice that has brought me so many exciting opportunities in nursing. 

I also recall not knowing that this was a career pathway when I first ventured into a super user role which led to a clinical analyst role. At the time, I thought I was a nurse who happened to be working to help develop IT solutions. 

Well, it turned out that there is an entire specialty practice, Nursing Informatics, that is geared toward this exact focus area. 

Yet, the term informatics tends to intimidate many (just like the word interoperability) when it does not need to do so.

So, I decided it was time to create a mini-program to help other nurses who are curious about exploring other options in nursing, including nursing informatics. I wanted to take the mystery out of informatics and help others find their way to get started. 

I am excited to share that we now have this ready for you and/or your colleagues who may be interested!

(If you are an informatics nurse, you know at least one person who has asked you to help them understand :). Perhaps consider sharing this with him/her/them and help them see what you appreciate about this field.

By the end of the program (90 minutes or less!), you'll have clear steps on what you can do to move your interests forward and get started. 

I look forward to working with each one of you who registers!



Enroll in Demystifying Nursing Informatics now for $29.00 




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